Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hey everybody!!Exams are coming!!Must study hard..(who wouldnt study hard?)just finished sci tuition...i stayed in class for 3 hrs...bro got an ipod touch*jealous*for his birthday presentte money was contributed by 5 of his friends... claire is harassing me everyday wif her "not touching" sms-s mother nagging as usual..guess wat shannon(my sis)kissed this boy in her class lip-to-lip and said let's get married pui pui pui! she's 4 and she kissed a guy im 12 and i haven't kissed a guy sad TT-TT shannon's telling the whole wide world that she kissed a guy...okay shan't say anything more...oh yah remember to TAG THE TAGBOARD!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Official Post!

Hello everyone!
This is Vanessa...My first official post....sigh nothing to do...father is watching TV...Brother is reading my manga(Naruto Volume 44)....sian...shan't say anything else

Monday, February 15, 2010

opening of this site...

hello everyone i'm not vanessa i'm charmaine
i'm the one who made this blog for vanessa!!
this is my first post on her account ... so anyway hope tt ya'll have enjoyed your selves at thia blog.... i knw this blog is dead but it will come to life eventually....
-xoxo- , charmaine karl.... i'm not the owner of this site....