Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yay!Exams are over just prepare for the best!!Bro's are super glued to his hands....shannon likes talkingto the almighty peanut and charmaine...Papa just came back from Malaysia...haha bro's turn to hv exams muahahahahaa...haha today ryan tortured BR but it was still kinda fun:)ryan called me at 8 for some reason and wheni picked up ian and him was singing the spongebob theme song awkward....Yay can't wait for the party this sad 6 ppl can't come now im trying to call xue zhi and she's not answering...poor poor elly she's sick...i just realized room is very messy haha...chatting wif Gwen now...bored bored somebody just get me out of this house
-xoxo van van